.475 A&M Magnum
Yes, and the Marxists had a very descriptive term for those types, "useful idiots".He is not a Marxist. He is an American liberal moron. Marxists stood for something. People like Moore stand against traditional culture.
Yes, and the Marxists had a very descriptive term for those types, "useful idiots".He is not a Marxist. He is an American liberal moron. Marxists stood for something. People like Moore stand against traditional culture.
he didnt have the balls to put his money where his mouth is
I saw this happen first hand with my younger brother. It's rather unsettling. He went to Potsdam and came back a full on started back in the 60's with the invasion of Marxist professors in universities. The movement was short lived at that time. It rose up again briefly in the 90's but lately has come back something fierce. The scary part is, i think your right, Marxist doctrine is becoming more and more normalized. It starts with young kids going into college with a head full of mush and coming out radical leftists.
it started back in the 60's with the invasion of Marxist professors in universities. The movement was short lived at that time. It rose up again briefly in the 90's but lately has come back something fierce. The scary part is, i think your right, Marxist doctrine is becoming more and more normalized. It starts with young kids going into college with a head full of mush and coming out radical leftists.
I saw this happen first hand with my younger brother. It's rather unsettling. He went to Potsdam and came back a full on Marxist.
Also Marxists are all about getting rid of tradition and culture. "A people without a heritage are more easily persuaded" - Karl Marx...
My favorite line is "everyone deserves to live" well if you allow people to go on welfare they will continue to take as much as they can for free.Same. My brother went to college only to come out and become a member of the DSA.
I keep telling him the same thing. Whether he likes it or not, resources are still limited and we can’t help everyone at once. If you give everyone access, then everyone will just have sub par access to services.
Also in this day and age no one wants to be uncomfortable. What I mean by that is if most Americans now where given the choice of owning a TV but going into debt for it, or not owning a TV, I would bet most are going into debt for it. Most people cant afford the car they drive but a new car is a status symbol, so instead of buying a used car within their means they finance a new one that they never really own. We are an instant gratification society that no longer wants to work to earn what they have. Most would rather rack up debt and be credit slaves than live with out for a little while. They want it all and want it NOW. People are being promised things that they never earned, then they look to the government to provide them, as if the government is a parent.My favorite line is "everyone deserves to live" well if you allow people to go on welfare they will continue to take as much as they can for free.
Also in this day and age no one wants to be uncomfortable. What I mean by that is if most Americans now where given the choice of owning a TV but going into debt for it, or not owning a TV, I would bet most are going into debt for it. Most people cant afford the car they drive but a new car is a status symbol, so instead of buying a used car within their means they finance a new one that they never really own. We are an instant gratification society that no longer wants to work to earn what they have. Most would rather rack up debt and be credit slaves than live with out for a little while. They want it all and want it NOW. People are being promised things that they never earned, then they look to the government to provide them, as if the government is a parent.