We are a free country, right? But whenever people rebel against the government, the government will use force to put down the rebellion or try to imprison the rebels. Not much different from these labeled "dictators who kill their own people". There was only one successful rebellion in a small town in Georgia, but all others were put down. The notion that we are a free country is BS.
The jack-off federal law enforcement agencies once again confirm their egregious incompetence and their arrogance, so typical of the little boy way of thinking they cannot escape from. The asshole prosecutors are not much better. Little boys with titles,badges and guns, not to mention the support and blessngs from the corrupt government apparatus they hide behind. Truth will prevail, as always. Tata
This whole thing has me wondering about the switch between how things were around the Civil War, where the US army was comprised of regiments from each state, representing each state in defense of the union, to a standing federal army made up of people from all the states representing the US and not their home state defending the union.
"A mistrial is a very bad result for the government," Ian Bartrum, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas, law professor who has followed the case closely told the Associated Press.
Bartrum had cast the trial as a test of whether the federal government could enforce its own land policy in Western states where it owns or controls vast expanses.
Acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre had no immediate answer when asked by the Associated Press about whether prosecutors would retry the case, but according to Reuters, a new trial date was set for Feb. 26, 2018.
In a new trial, the Bundys and Payne still would face 15 felony charges including assault and threats against federal officers, firearms counts, obstruction and extortion.
Prosecutors also failed to win full convictions against others at the tense confrontation near Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
Six men who acknowledged carrying assault-style weapons faced a trial and a retrial. Two were acquitted, two were convicted of some charges and two are free after pleading guilty to misdemeanors to avoid a third trial. None was found guilty of conspiracy.
Wondering when Lavoy Finicum will get his day in court to defend against charges against him? Oh wait........he was intentionally ambushed by an army of heavily armed LE then murdered to set an example for others to not fuck with federal LE no matter guilt or innocence. It's much less expensive to just murder a man with charges against him rather than have a drawn out costly court case built on flimsy grounds which will probably show the federal LE to be at fault. God bless Lavoy Finicum and his defense of principles which guided his life of values and integrity. Amen.
"Hundreds of supporters, responding to his pleas for help, descended on Bundy’s ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada, about 75 miles northeast of Las Vegas, in a show of force to demand that his impounded livestock be returned.
Police and government agents, vastly outgunned, ultimately retreated rather than risk bloodshed, and no shots were ever fired."
So it was a peaceful protest
Prosecutors contend Bundy and his followers were defying the rule of law by threat of violence, rather than engaging in an act of legal protest.
The federal government applied violence first, the feds where the only ones who used violence, in a free world what the protesters did was stand up to defend the ranchers.
Bundy mistrial draws Sessions probe, calls for broad review
LAS VEGAS (AP) - A mistrial in the federal prosecution of a family of ranchers who led an armed standoff against government agents prompted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to launch an investigation into the case and renewed calls for a broad review of U.S. attorneys in Las Vegas.
“You can bet that, suddenly, Sessions is asking, ‘Who’s our U.S. attorney in Nevada?’” Rory Little, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, said Friday. “And somebody says, ‘Well, we don’t have one.’ And they put it on a fast-track.”
Nevada has been without a top federal prosecutor since March, when Sessions, President Donald Trump’s appointee, sought the resignations of 46 U.S. attorneys remaining from Barack Obama’s administration.
The acting U.S. attorney led the troubled prosecution against states’ rights activist Cliven Bundy, his two sons and another man in the 2014 confrontation that stopped a federal roundup of Bundy cattle from public lands.
The case has local defense lawyers urging a review of the U.S. attorney’s office in Nevada. Big federal cases have collapsed in the last 15 years over prosecutors’ failure to share evidence with defendants.
More at ... Bundy mistrial draws Sessions probe, calls for broad review