Oh, stop. It’s a description given by one side in a lawsuit . You should take it with an grain of salt Especially the part where it says no reasonable officer would see a man with a rifle in a school who appeared to be reloading it could believe that man to be a threat .Except the cops didn’t “show up” in this case. They wilted like pansies until the shooting stopped, then, like a coward, a single cop cracked open a door and killed the good guy with a gun who had just saved numerous lives. Numerous COP lives. Brownlow and his brown stained shitpants never hesitated or assessed the situation. His life was not in danger, nor were any other lives. The thing about situational awareness is that if you don’t have it, you’ll never miss it.
You’re so right. About everything. Ever. Except the “rifle in a school” part. WTF are you talking about? An SRO was shot, that doesn’t make it a school shooting. And shooting someone in the back is cowardly and poor policy, even for cops. Wink, wink!Oh, stop. It’s a description given by one side in a lawsuit . You should take it with an grain of salt Especially the part where it says no reasonable officer would see a man with a rifle in a school who appeared to be reloading it could believe that man to be a threat .
Things happen in the “fog of war “ . Now add rifle vs handgun with the possibility of concealed body armor by the rifleman .
And before anyone jumps down my throat , friendly fire incidents happen among police and military. Especially police when one of the officers is in plainclothes. It can happen. Know the steps to lessen the possibility. Don’t have the gun in your hand if you don’t have to.
If I got the facts in case wrong , sorry . Even so, man with rifle working the action with people shot , the confusion of the scene is easy. Now ask to engage with a handgun vs rifle with possible body armor , the hand gun guy needs every advantage he can take .You’re so right. About everything. Ever. Except the “rifle in a school” part. WTF are you talking about? An SRO was shot, that doesn’t make it a school shooting. And shooting someone in the back is cowardly and poor policy, even for cops. Wink, wink!
Yes.Ummmm, reholster the fucking thing or stick it in your waist band. Just do NOT touch it or reach for it when police are present! Is that hard to understand?