.308 Win
Once again, the media types have hijacked the narrative about Charlottesville.
After successfully branding the Unite the Right as white supremacists and the KKK. They took the opportunity to blast Trump because he condemned the violence on "both" sides.
I am finding eyewitness accounts now that have one thing on common.
ANTIFA began the violence. The asshole that rammed the crowd was violent too but on the other side.
Either way it seems that the Media is bullshitting us once again and their attacks on a Trump Tweet show that Trump was right all along, AGAIN.
I also searched through the "News" stories from Ferguson. Here is are the adjectives they used to describe the protesters, looters, burners, etc. (peaceful protesters. )
Now I am really confused, Is the Unite the Right really a NAZI KKK White Supremacy Skinhead Extremist Militia group or not? Whom to believe? Media or the inter-web?
What I saw yesterday in Charlottesville
or how bout this
Why do we allow them to get away with this?
After successfully branding the Unite the Right as white supremacists and the KKK. They took the opportunity to blast Trump because he condemned the violence on "both" sides.
I am finding eyewitness accounts now that have one thing on common.
ANTIFA began the violence. The asshole that rammed the crowd was violent too but on the other side.
Either way it seems that the Media is bullshitting us once again and their attacks on a Trump Tweet show that Trump was right all along, AGAIN.
I also searched through the "News" stories from Ferguson. Here is are the adjectives they used to describe the protesters, looters, burners, etc. (peaceful protesters. )
Now I am really confused, Is the Unite the Right really a NAZI KKK White Supremacy Skinhead Extremist Militia group or not? Whom to believe? Media or the inter-web?
What I saw yesterday in Charlottesville
or how bout this
Why do we allow them to get away with this?