Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
And here's birdshot since that's what I believe you are loading. Birdshot is for birds. It's a terrible load for self defense.
Ever considered a hallway? Or a living room? Or shooting from a hallway into a bedroom or kitchen? Or shooting from a living room into the kitchen if you have an open floor plan? How about a struggle at the bottom of the stairs were the perp has your family member close to him and they are fighting for their lives to get control of a weapon?
You aren't always going to have point blank range shots.
Good thing he was far enough away from her daughter that she was able to use the shotgun without hitting her daughter too. Had he stayed close and had a gun of his own, the outcome could have been different.
That is why I'm against the whole shotgun for home defense.
I guess you don't get my point or want to get my point about home defense shots not always being close range. Nevermind. You are right. All encounters will always be like that one and birdshot is an excellent choice for self-defense.@Willjr75 this was in the bedroom .. all she had no more then 12 to 16 feet .. close range and did the job .. nuff said .. happy ending ..
this was not a hallway shooting .. so why bring it .. and even it it was .. if all she has was a shotgun light him up .. don't think the child was laying in the hallway.
if all you have is a shotgun just load it with slugs for that hallway encounter and close encounters
from that video .. what choke on that moss ??
I wouldn't take that risk. Especially when adrenaline fueled. No way. There are better choices out there. It's not the right tool for the job.I felt same way until I took a defensive shottie class (from Fry). Pattern your gun and ammo at most household distances you'd be surprised how tight the groupings are. Personally if it were my boy or wife being held at bay I have no doubt I'd take the shot. Even if that required one off center or down low followed up with a second to stop the threat. Shottie will get the job done. No doubt.
I wouldn't take that risk. Especially when adrenaline fueled. No way. There are better choices out there. It's not the right tool for the job.
If it's all I had, slugs would be the smartest choice. Still not ideal and I'd be looking to replace it.No doubt but it also depends on what's available to you at the time. Given a shotgun or dialing 911 I'd take the shotgun every time if my family was at risk.
If it's all I had, slugs would be the smartest choice. Still not ideal and I'd be looking to replace it.
Who's second guessing her? A statement was made of what could of happened if circumstances were different. That is all.Yeah I get it just saying this woman used what was at hand and stopped the threat against her child. She should be commended not second guessed.
Would you take that chance with a loved one? I wouldn't. At 10 yards the pattern is this size with an average load. You may very well have to take a shot at that distance and that's not taking fliers into effect.
You'd have to look all over the room to accomplish that.I would of liked to see this guys head right after the shot to see how bad she fucked him up.
In the interest of discussion, this is how I see it. Full chokes, Federal Flight Control Wads, Vangcomps, ect, are all methods to try turn a shotgun into something it is not designed to do. These items try to keep the pellets together and increase the range of a system that is designed to scatter shot. A smooth bore is basically a musket. It has no rifling. It is an antiquated design if used for anything other than it's purpose of scattering shot at close range. It is a great system however if used for what it was designed for. Scattering shot is great for birds and other targets that are moving up close to increase the probability of a hit.
If you really want to add additional range and accuracy, why not just use a slug? It'll be more accurate and more reliable. You wouldn't have to second guess what distance you are at and what the pattern will be if needed for surgical work when loved ones are close by the target and the shot has to be taken when milliseconds count. You'll also not have to worry about fliers or plastic wads that could kill or injure a close by loved one . And if you use a slug for that accuracy or try to use any other method to keep the shot together, why not use a rifle that'll actually have less recoil, more capacity, better accuracy, the ability to have faster follow up shots, and quicker reloading with ammunition and or magazines that that aren't so large and clumsy?
It isn't the right tool for the job. Sure it can be jury-rigged to try to almost behave like the right tool, but it's like trying to use a butter knife as a screwdriver. Just get the screwdriver. It'll work better.
There have been many advancements in firearm technology and ammunition over the years. The military and the police have adapted. Entry teams no longer use shotguns as primary CQB weapons. They only use them as breaching tools. Police no longer really use that Remington 870 that used to be in the trunk. They use rifles. But for some reason civilians can't seem to let go and they repeat the myth over and over that the shotgun is the best tool for home defense. It is not. It's a jack of all trades and master of none except of course when used for what it was intended for. (Birds and close moving targets where collateral damage isn't an issue beyond or near the target)
Ok. Enjoy. I prefer a rifled bore compared to a musket.So, the ingenious machining methods used by Hans Vang are jury-rigged?? Seriously?? Did you even watch the video?? Have you ever taken a defensive (or for that matter gunfighting style) course using the shotgun?
I HAVE a VangComp'ed 870. I have shot it a metric crapton. At 10 yards, with 00 tactical loads, it might as well be a slug. At 25 yds it's a 9" circle, or less. Pump action shotguns are, other than a single or double barrel, extremely reliable. I doubt they've been completely discarded by LE. Military entry teams maybe yes, but they're less concerned with collateral damage, unless the ROE are monumentally restrictive and stupid.
Ok. Enjoy. I prefer a rifled bore compared to a musket.