We will know in a few weeks (months ) if they will take this case up.in August his campaign was broke, Harris was bankrupt and she despised Biden, but by the middle of December they became the dream team, WHY, HOW? then they 'won' an election
two of the most useless candidates in history, not only become the dream team. they "win" a election.
simple logic has to tell you this is the most massive CON in world history. and, i suspect the SCOTUS doesn't have the balls to fix it, they are scared to death of violence by the left that will ensue
Did he really say that? I dont watch alot of regular tv, but ive watched a bit lately, and its true. That and same sex couples. Doesnt matter what the commercial is about, selling cars, drugs, restaurants, etc... it seems like they are force feeding this stuff. Dont get me wrong, my wife is hispanic and my kids are mixed race, so I dont care who people choose to marry, but it seems like every commercial is trying to be more "woke" than the next.I’m going to get in trouble for this but I’ll say it anyway, you turn on the TV and in every commercial it’s an interracial couple” -Joe Biden
they are scared to death of violence by the left that will ensue
the CCP picked the person for the lefty supporters.
He was selected for his weakness. The selected leader of the US is a gumby.
He bends for anyone.i grew up watching gumby Biden is not gumby
I was in DC for a few days in 2019 with the family, this was one of the pamphlets in my hotel room. I got a chuckle out of it.Did he really say that? I dont watch alot of regular tv, but ive watched a bit lately, and its true. That and same sex couples. Doesnt matter what the commercial is about, selling cars, drugs, restaurants, etc... it seems like they are force feeding this stuff. Dont get me wrong, my wife is hispanic and my kids are mixed race, so I dont care who people choose to marry, but it seems like every commercial is trying to be more "woke" than the next.