This type of legislation just gives people a false sense of security. Better to assume everyone can see everything.
If you want privacy, learn a whole bunch about cyber security, and set yourself up with the appropriate encryption and anonymity apps. Anything else is just fooling yourself.
Shumer is again being deceitful. The joint resolution overturns a December 2016 post election FCC Obama regulation that provided a big business (BIAS) exemption to sell personal information using an excuse that their additional profits would offset in part lower fees to the consumer. Congress is overturning a 47 CFR part 64 Obama parting shot 73 page rule change based in a Trojan Horse Title with which in part is masking an exemtion to sell personal information in 87274. I read the bills , the 73 page Obama post election rule change, and the existing Code of Federal Regulations. Do not trust Shcumer who is trying to save a post Trump election day last minute Obama year end regulation. If the regulation is repealed by Congress we are just as secure (and unsecure) as we were before XMAS and the BIAS exempt media companies from the reg can not sell your personal info as the FCC was apparently going to allow.
The last few weeks of the Obama administration generated more executive orders and Agency / Commision / Department regulations or rules than many administrations developed over years or entire terms. These included anti-2A, anti-oil drilling, anti-gas drilling, anti-pipeline, anti-ranching, and many distasteful or spiteful elements. They also often rewarded left leaning business, dem donors, bureaucrats and international interests. Some of these were drafted in a way that the President and Congress can not undo. The BHO Adminstration enacted this after Trump's election in a way that by-passed the citizens' representatives. Congress is now undoing some of these last minute regulations (and Schumer has no role in this House process) and the President is undoing some of these executive orders. If Schumer has some ideas that should be in place, let him push for the damn legislation as our Constitution intended.
Schumer's only interests are hearing himself talk, inciting the left wing lunatics and derailing Trump's presidency. F chuckles the circus clown. He is unworthy of any praise for any reason.