I understand, when brining my gun to the range, it must be unloaded, locked and in trunk and ammo separated from the gun e.g. in the
passenger compartment. I also understand that the ammo may not be loaded in a magaizine. I have two questions and PLEASE refrain from
voicing opinions of the laws themselves:
1) In what document can I find the laws refering to the above? Safe Act? Other?
2) Does the term "magazine" also enconpass stripper clips, bear flag type loaders and/or en blocs?
Thank you any enlightenment you can provide.
passenger compartment. I also understand that the ammo may not be loaded in a magaizine. I have two questions and PLEASE refrain from
voicing opinions of the laws themselves:
1) In what document can I find the laws refering to the above? Safe Act? Other?
2) Does the term "magazine" also enconpass stripper clips, bear flag type loaders and/or en blocs?
Thank you any enlightenment you can provide.