28 April - Work Day (starts at 9am goes till completion)
12 May - Scoped Rifle Steel Shoot
May-Aug - Military league 1&3 Tuesday of the month
May-Aug - Scoped Rifle League 2&4 Wednesday of the month
2-3 June - Appleseed Shoot
9 June - Rimfire Rifle Steel Silhouette Shoot
14 July - Centerfire Pistol Bowling Pin Shoot
11 August - Rimfire Pistol Bottle Shoot
8 September- Black Powder Cartridge Steel Shoot
29 September - Scoped Rifle Steel Shoot
12 May - Scoped Rifle Steel Shoot
May-Aug - Military league 1&3 Tuesday of the month
May-Aug - Scoped Rifle League 2&4 Wednesday of the month
2-3 June - Appleseed Shoot
9 June - Rimfire Rifle Steel Silhouette Shoot
14 July - Centerfire Pistol Bowling Pin Shoot
11 August - Rimfire Pistol Bottle Shoot
8 September- Black Powder Cartridge Steel Shoot
29 September - Scoped Rifle Steel Shoot