The Rochester D&C has a USA section . Lead story was on Singapore hosting the event.
One of the most important meetings in decades and they bury the story already.
Obama got more coverage when he went to Cuba.
Obviously.The Democrats don't give a flying fuck what is good for the AMERICAN CITIZEN.
Lets hope the Dems end up with a super minority in congress.Obama would’ve been crowned king president if he would’ve gotten North Korea just to give up a hand grenade.
The Democratic postulants in this country has just gotten too out of hand.
If you accept the cunning nature of the Beijing Dragon, and the false geopolitical face of the Panda mask as historically presented by the control elements now represented by Chairman Xi Jinping, a striking probability looms. Not only does China influence North Korea, but China actually controls every element of the North Korean government that surrounds Chairman Kim Jong-un.
The problem for Chairman Xi is what happens when all of the political forces align to place Chairman Kim Jong-un in a position of opening the door for the U.S. and President Trump and the West (writ large) to enter North Korea under the auspices of a CVID nuclear agreement.
In essence, President Trump may now enter into a land where the officials report exclusively to Chairman Xi, and no-one knew. This presents a possibility the larger global community might soon discover the true nature of the Beijing/Pyongyang connection.
Consider that Chairman Kim was/is likely put into power not as a linear out-coming of his familial relationship, but more as a strategy of ongoing Chinese duplicity. Kim Jong-un was seen as easier to control. Consider the possibility that all of the DPRK officials who carry out the objectives of the ruling North Korean government are factually operating according to the dictates of the hidden Chinese authority.
Within this dynamic Chairman Kim received the scorn of the international community; but was -in reality- merely a figurehead, a false panda face – hiding the true authority behind all of the DPRK policy, and a designed strategy constructed by China.
More at ....Act II – The Dance of The Dragon Continues….
Don't go confusing people, most have no clue the inner workings(and failings) of the Chinese Government