20×102mm Vulcan
New Jersey Bump Fire Stock Ban: Five Years in Prison, $15,000 Fine for Possession or Sale
New Jersey lawmakers are making a push to ban the possession and sale of so-called ‘bump stock’ devices, like the ones used in the shooting massacre in Las Vegas, during the current lame-duck session,” reports. “Legislation to outlaw the devices was advanced Thursday from the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee by an 8-0 vote.” That’s Garden State gun grabber unanimity. Yes, grabbers. Check this out . . .
The bill was sponsored by several Democrats, including Annette Quijanao, D-20th of Elizabeth, and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald, D-6th of Voorhees. It seeks to make possession or sale of the devices a third-degree crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
The Democrats’ bill would require individuals in possession of the devices to surrender them to law enforcement within 90 days. Licensed manufacturers and retailers would have 30 days to turn them into authorities.
New Jersey Bump Fire Stock Ban: Five Years in Prison, $15,000 Fine for Possession or Sale - The Truth About Guns
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New Jersey lawmakers are making a push to ban the possession and sale of so-called ‘bump stock’ devices, like the ones used in the shooting massacre in Las Vegas, during the current lame-duck session,” reports. “Legislation to outlaw the devices was advanced Thursday from the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee by an 8-0 vote.” That’s Garden State gun grabber unanimity. Yes, grabbers. Check this out . . .
The bill was sponsored by several Democrats, including Annette Quijanao, D-20th of Elizabeth, and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald, D-6th of Voorhees. It seeks to make possession or sale of the devices a third-degree crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
The Democrats’ bill would require individuals in possession of the devices to surrender them to law enforcement within 90 days. Licensed manufacturers and retailers would have 30 days to turn them into authorities.
New Jersey Bump Fire Stock Ban: Five Years in Prison, $15,000 Fine for Possession or Sale - The Truth About Guns
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