.700 Nitro Express
And even then, the ammo that can defeat the body armor is not available through normal channels, and I don't even think the good stuff can defeat IIIA out of the pistol, only the rifle. And if you're going for a rifle, lots of stuff can defeat IIIA.Let's not forget that the 5.7 has actually been out for some time, realistically gaining no traction (yes both the ps90 and the five seven are pretty costly for pretty much a 22mag)
So this was a very odd choice for Ruger to do, but the price they are bringing this out in is going to be super awesome which should bring ammo cost down (speer is working on a 40g gold dot)
Problem is the 5.7 has gotten this cult like mythos mainly due to MSM and naming the ammo "cop killers" since it can defeat level IIIA body armor, that it's this awesome defense ammo, when in reality its only really good against body armor (its intended role)
Plus, is IIIA even very common ? I thought most of the time people go right from II to IV. Either you want comfort and conceal ability or you want max threat protection. IIIA says "I think I'm going to face a threat from magnum handguns, but not rifles, and not your common 9mm and .45 rounds.