It should really be illegal to hide non related bills into other bills to get them passed.I'm so tired of these clowns jamming unrelated shit into bills to get them passed.
"The best disinfectant is sunlight." Put your bill up by itself, debate it on its merits, vote on it. No more of this "hiding in plain sight on page 2,346 of an unrelated piece of legislation" bullshit.
I'm so tired of these clowns jamming unrelated shit into bills to get them passed.
"The best disinfectant is sunlight." Put your bill up by itself, debate it on its merits, vote on it. No more of this "hiding in plain sight on page 2,346 of an unrelated piece of legislation" bullshit.
Despite the best efforts by the gun lobby and Republicans in Congress to stop any progress on addressing the gun violence epidemic
It doesn't need to make sense for a vote....ummm.... I mean study.If they're "untraceable" how are they going to "assess" them?
I think we probably need a multimillion dollar no bid consulting contract to study this issue on behalf of a prestigious blue ribbon panel of lawmakers.
God damn I dislike politicians.
"If they're "untraceable" how are they going to "assess" them?"
With google, all things are possible.
SPENDING !!! I thought NY is 6 plus BILLION in the crapper ? How many of you out there can continue to live in your home and be a mil or two in debt ? How long ?
This is federal.
really, these idiots actually think a criminal is going to MAKE A GUN, when it's 100 times easier to simply steal/buy a gun off the street?
These idiots think criminals are worried about a gun being traced?
American Politicians, living proof Americans are getting dumber