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Read More: New York Hunter Found With Illegal Donuts In Hudson Valley | New York Hunter Found With Illegal Donuts In Hudson Valley
These cops won't stop until they find doughnuts!"Utilizing intelligence gathered by Investigators with DEC's Bureau of Environmental Crime Investigations, ECOs identified an area of State land potentially being baited for bears. After hiking many miles over several days, ECOs located two hunting locations on the ridge that appeared to be baited,
Probably going to create a donut hotline 1- 800-nut-bustI'm really amazed that it took multiple days and several miles of hiking for them to find the donuts. I would have thought they could find them right away.
Actually, now Hochul will probably announce a ban on high capacity donut boxes, assault donuts, will institute a "one donut a month" scheme ( don't worry, LEO will be exempt ), and tell us all that you don't need ten donuts to kill a bear.
So, the bait works ?Careful using donuts for bait. I've done it 6 times and every time a drew in law enforcement.