After watching I believe it was @ArmedCorgi build his retro-ish ar15 with the modified triangle handguards, I was inspired to do something along the same lines.
Started life as this.
After finishing the lower, I added an Aero Precision upper with a Ballistic Advantage 20" government profile barrel with 1/7 twist and rifle gas.
Then ordered the furniture from Black guns wood. Beautiful work they do. Normally this kit comes with an a2 length stock, but I custom ordered an a1 length which I thought I'd like better.
So this is my 80% kind of retro m16 a1, a2, a4-ish Frankenbuild. I went with a flat top with carry handle instead of an a2 just so I'm not locked into carry handle only.
Here's the finished result!
I love it!

After watching I believe it was @ArmedCorgi build his retro-ish ar15 with the modified triangle handguards, I was inspired to do something along the same lines.
Started life as this.

After finishing the lower, I added an Aero Precision upper with a Ballistic Advantage 20" government profile barrel with 1/7 twist and rifle gas.

Then ordered the furniture from Black guns wood. Beautiful work they do. Normally this kit comes with an a2 length stock, but I custom ordered an a1 length which I thought I'd like better.
So this is my 80% kind of retro m16 a1, a2, a4-ish Frankenbuild. I went with a flat top with carry handle instead of an a2 just so I'm not locked into carry handle only.
Here's the finished result!

I love it!