20×102mm Vulcan
so food stamps / SNAP go up 27% and SS only 6 ..
I used to say this but not positive I would now. I aggressively invest in my 401k and SS will be a minority of my retirement income, but one thing my 401k won't do is give me money (as much anyway) if the market goes tits up. It also does not adjust for inflation. There have been times when inflation has been aggressive and stocks have not. Long term stocks are a good hedge against inflation but over a period of years things can be very ugly. SS does give that modicum of cash required to, at least, have a small roof over one's head and some cash for food.If they gave the option to stop paying into SS now, but forfeit everything I have already contributed, and any future benefits, I would sign up for that deal yesterday.
I want few things more than getting the government completely out of my life.
Absent SS those people, once they reach the point they can no longer work, would only survive on charity or family.
To be clear by saying "you" it was more of a broad you, as in those that voted for pols and didn't demand that level of responsibility. It wasn't directed at libertysnake "you".I didn't vote for them. I've also been very vocal about forcing fiduciary responsibility on politicians.
I frequently say "It's unfortunate that we are stuck with the leadership the average American deserves".To be clear by saying "you" it was more of a broad you, as in those that voted for pols and didn't demand that level of responsibility. It wasn't directed at libertysnake "you".
Either way, we all end up responsible for the actions of the reps we have. You had representatives in those halls representing you (even if you didn't vote for them). In this way their actions are your (and our) actions, that's what a representative form of government is, you don't directly vote on laws, etc. you have a representative do that for you instead.