Has very, very little to do with money. I have not nearly his kind of money and I can walk around all of Jersey while carrying a gun.
He states that they are all retired Law Enforcement, if that is true, they are covered in all States through LEOSA. Not the hollow point part, but the carry part.
As long as they maintain their qualification, they can carry on their credentials.
LEOSA was amended specifically to address NJ's hollow point law, but not capacity limits for any state that has them.
So, under LEOSA, HP's are allowed?
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Discover and explore the federal gun laws, self-defense laws and regulations that impact all responsibly armed Americans across the United States.www.usconcealedcarry.com
Of course NJ specifically bans their own retired LEO's from carrying them, but it doesn't apply to us, active or retired, being NY LEO's.
Just remember, we are not exempt from capacity laws. Our unions advised that NJ's law exempts ALL law enforcement, but I don't trust that so I carry 10 now.
Has very, very little to do with money. I have not nearly his kind of money and I can walk around all of Jersey while carrying a gun.
True-ish. But you are in a special/protected class. The rest of us normal peasants would need $$$$$ to protect ourselves in NJ
Hi jack alert!He states that they are all retired Law Enforcement, if that is true, they are covered in all States through LEOSA. Not the hollow point part, but the carry part.
As long as they maintain their qualification, they can carry on their credentials.
Hi jack alert!
And that right there is the BULL SHIT that is forcing a wedge between cops and "citizens"! They want respect then live under the same rules and regulations as the rest of the public, NO SPECIAL PRIVILAGES!
Hi jack alert!
And that right there is the BULL SHIT that is forcing a wedge between cops and "citizens"! They want respect then live under the same rules and regulations as the rest of the public, NO SPECIAL PRIVILAGES!
None of these laws would matter and no one group would have to fight for anything if law enforcement honored their oaths. Kind of like no watering your lawns on Sunday. Those aren’t enforced so the laws are meaningless.Hey, ass alert!
Me, I don't give a fuck if you respect me or others on the job. Regardless of your profession, I don't know, janitor... If a group of people fought for an updated law for you and the rest of the janitors, similar to what LEOSA provides, would you say no thank you? Would you give of those protections for you and your kind?
It's a fucking shameWhat a shame, this poor guy is fucked in NJ. In any other state its all good.
New Jersey: Carry-Licensed Security Guard Arrested for So-Called “Hollowpoint” Ammo
Three white officers stopping a black, law-abiding, lawfully armed and licensed, armored car security guard coming home from work is extremely dubious. His subsequent arrest was unjustifiable.www.ammoland.com
@Bananabandit @Darth , revenuers gonna revenue, right.
Oath breaker is right. Hopefully karma catches up with him.More like oath breakers doing oath breaking shit. This cop clearly was looking for a reason to fuck with a legally armed man. He didn’t like that he was armed so he decided to try and ruin his life by searching his gun with no probable cause and even when they weren’t hollow points according to their law, he charged him anyway. Then he charges him with unlawful transportation of a firearm because it was carried rather than in the trunk with the ammunition separate when it doesn’t even apply to license to carry holders.
This’s wasn’t even a so called “Take an illegal gun of the streets.” It was a “You shouldn’t be carrying a gun and I’m going to charge you with something so that you can’t carry it anymore.”
Must be a matter of attitude. I've known far more of them than you, and I find the vast majority are professional, courteous , patriotic, and second amendment supporters.
Incorrect statement. Numerous encounters on video say otherwise. The OP post also says otherwise.Sure sign of a life lived perp-ily.![]()
Are you saying that there aren’t numerous encounters between the police and regular people that aren’t criminals that don’t go well? Because if you go on YouTube, you can find thousands of videos showing otherwise."Incorrect statement. Numerous encounters on video say otherwise. The OP post also says otherwise."
Those videos only gain traction because they are the exception, not the rule.
Or the "citizens" may just keep taking it until they snap and start sniping at LEO's and their families, after all they (leo's and politicians) are the one that foster the us vs. them laws and mentality! We've seen it already, the cops in Ca gunned down while eating lunch. Do you think it was some personal thing or was the shooter just plain fed up?Or, you can get a committee together, a strong one, and fight against LEOSA.
Yeah, you'll do nothing.