In no way, shape or form, posting this in defense of the subject, apparently a real piece of work!. But the judge made a statement I found interesting to say the least...
The judge realizes that only one rifle can be shot at a time, with any effectiveness, and maybe two handguns, again, effectiveness questionable. As for the amount of ammunition, really!?!? Anyways...
So we all know NJ is a different level of bat shit crazy, but here we have a display of it. The demonization of owning "multiple" guns, and those devil worshipping hollow points!
When will these legislators save us from ourselves already...? When they pass laws, the "criminal" obeys, maybe then they'll have a convincing argument to disarm, lol. A long shot, ice cube's chance in hell, "maybe"! When a legislature can exhibit zero robberies, violent felonies, zero rapes or murders... For an extended period of time, so as to remove the possibility of the 9-11 effect... Maybe then some day there'll be no need for protection of any kind. Something not in our foreseeable future, that's for sure.

N.J. man whose phone number feds say was found on Jersey City shooter released from jail
Authorities recovered a dozen firearms from Ahmed A-Hady, 35, shortly after the Jersey City shooting.
"But Kearney did continue to argue that A-Hady posed a “very significant danger to the community” because of the firepower he possessed, which included nearly 100 hollow-point bullets"
The judge realizes that only one rifle can be shot at a time, with any effectiveness, and maybe two handguns, again, effectiveness questionable. As for the amount of ammunition, really!?!? Anyways...
So we all know NJ is a different level of bat shit crazy, but here we have a display of it. The demonization of owning "multiple" guns, and those devil worshipping hollow points!
When will these legislators save us from ourselves already...? When they pass laws, the "criminal" obeys, maybe then they'll have a convincing argument to disarm, lol. A long shot, ice cube's chance in hell, "maybe"! When a legislature can exhibit zero robberies, violent felonies, zero rapes or murders... For an extended period of time, so as to remove the possibility of the 9-11 effect... Maybe then some day there'll be no need for protection of any kind. Something not in our foreseeable future, that's for sure.