Glenn B
.308 Win
Nice looking set of replica Samurai swords for sale, set of three. Scabbards seem to be covered in real snakeskin; it could be fake but I am pretty sure it is the real deal. Selling all three as a set. Blades could use a good sharpening. I think these are more suitable as decorative wall hangars than as swords for combat but I imagine if the blades were honed to a fine edge they could be used as defensive weapons. No idea if they have full tangs or not. Brass looking metal parts could use polishing. Very good to excellent condition overall. Note that these are not toys but are replica Samurai swords (as in real swords regardless of them being replicas) and are not intended to be played with by children of any age (and that includes adults who act like children).
Asking price of $50 for the set of three. Shipping additional at actual cost (for shipping with delivery confirmation and adult signature required).
Buyer must be 18 years old or older and a U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident of the USA. By buying this item you are affirming you are over 18 and either a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident alien and that you are legally eligible to purchase, receive and posses these items within the state and locality of your residence. Buyer must supply me with a completely legible copy of your photo ID, such as a drivers license, showing buyer's full name, DOB and current address (which will be used as shipping address). No sales/shipping to NY City, Chicago, CA, MA, MD, CT, AK, HI, foreign, overseas, U.S. Possessions, military addresses (such as APO or FPO) or to anywhere where illegal or otherwise restricted by law.
Prefer face to face sale in Nassau County but will ship. Shipping will be by UPS ground, so UPS must be able to deliver to your address. Item will be insured and an adult signature will be required.
I accept only cash in a face to face sale. If these need to be shipped, the only form of payment I will accept will be a U.S. Postal Service money order.
I strive to ship within 5 business days of receipt of payment.
Thanks for your interest.