I feel bad for friends I know who live there, but honestly, if that’s what the woke assholes want, and a majority of their elected reps want,- bring it on.
Let every cop walk, and drop everything they have been working on. Collect unemployment, and the extra $600 / week that Congress stupidly passed. Take the summer off, and go on an extended Clark W. Griswold Vacation.
I imagine that if they do that, that the initial response from the woke crowd will be overjoyed celebrations, followed shortly thereafter by a ramping up of anarchy day by day as the lowlifes realize they can do whatever the fuck they want. No arrests for stealing, vehicle crimes, assaults, domestic violence,- you name it! No 911 response. Empty out the local jails as no cops will be there to guard them. No need for Court or public building guards. No cops to man intersections when power outages occur, or sort out accidents that occur. Not there to do ANYTHING!
Please wire the city for the worlds most popular reality show. Put a wall around the city and let them have what they want. Escape from NY type shit eventually starts to go down.