.308 Win
I can see in no way how the Gadsden flag can be racial
I can see in no way how the Gadsden flag can be racial
It sure is... It isn't only because of the 2A issues either.Time to get out of this insane state.
I'm off to Palmetto again.Buy the firearms you want now and then buy the ammo in PA.
Damn, they don't even require that in Canada.So does NJ.
My dad had to get fingerprinted to buy me a Crosman air rifle back in the 80's.
Man I hope you are right.Even the 2nd circuit would crush this.
It has to become law and then someone has to be aggrieved.....And how do the scared of their own shadow Dem's explain away all those dastardly States that allow private sales, no permit handgun purchases and possession and more... That do "NOT" have crime like the Orwellian Societies of the Big Cities?
How come nobody takes them to task in this?
It'll just push more and more guns off the map, not on, as they want.
They are going to get smart. Look for permits to buy long guns (and potentially ammo).
This is a smokescreen.
I'm surprised we don't have it already. Massachusetts already requires it, and nothing has come of it, legally.
Maybe they can find some missing emails while searching for your information.......They just want to deny you your gun rights for as many things as they can. What if I don’t have a social media account. They won’t believe me and they will deny it?
Anything that could be offensive to some people ought not to be on public property."