Yes, just looked. Only one writ granted. No action on any of the gun cases. At least writs were not denied on any gun case. We will see some day. Maybe.
At this point, I am leaning toward hoping they DON'T accept any of those ten 2A cases pending before them as the damage from an adverse decision could be very bad!
I believe Robert's has either: (A) gone soft in the head; (B) is showing his true colors; or, (C) is still compromised and being blackmailed by the left over his children's adoption. My bet is "C". But I'll never live long enough to see conclusive proof.
And if we lose the Senate in 2020 due to the Never Trumper's and the RINO Republicans (like Romney), and maybe even Trump NOT getting reelected, - we will be in deep, deep, trouble with respect to gun rights and more.
I predict that they deny cert to all of the gun cases on the last day of this session when they scurry out of town to their lucrative summer gigs and vacations. And Notorius RBG gets sent back to the robot repair shop for some new parts and a possible upgrade.