.45 acp
Because those of us who aren't racist, misogynist, prejudiced a-holes were tired of being accused of being all those things and decided to step up and push back at those accusing us of it.
Well, aren't they? Think about it. Now they have the perfect venue to unleash massive civil unrest.So @Darth just to be clear, you're thinking that the NWO types allowed Trump the win but will ultimately infiltrate him and then keep their agenda going? I'm not asking this to criticize, I've actually been thinking about this myself.
We need to get rid of NYC. My idea is California leaves the USA we trade their conservatives for our liberals or we make NYC the 50th state after California leaves us.
Now is not the time for compromise. We didn't elect trump to wave the white flag and reach across the aisle. The progressives would never cut us slack. Their agenda come first to them all the time. If the shoe was on the other foot and anti Christ won they would be spiking the football and ram their agenda at every opportunity.
We elected trump to be a wrecking ball to the DC elite status quo. I want him to attack and take no prisoners. Blow it up.
Bring in special prosecutors to go after the hillary, soros, Clinton foundation types. Destroy corruption. Respect the constitution. Drain the swamp. Fight back against the media. Pull the credentials of "troublemakers/ propaganda spewers masquerading as journalists" if needed to not let them get out of line and to keep them honest.
Throw the "never trumpers" under the bus. Let them rot. Remind everyone where they stand. Give positions of power to honest people.
Put America first.
First let me say, this is NOT the time for any type of compromise. We won. We have been compromising for a very long time. The Never Trumpers either need to get on board the Trumptrain heading into Trumpnation or perish. Again, no compromise. This is the time to take back what America has lost in the past decade. Don't like it? Tough shit. Should have had a better candidate.
As to the OP...
First question, did Trump win or did The Hildaloser lose. May seem like a trick question, but it is not.
Second, I feel the citizens are the winners. Does not make a difference if she got more votes or not.(Still not sure about that)
Elections are indeed rigged. They are rigged to the point of agenda's and ideas winning, not Politicians. This year was a bit different than past years. The Mainstream Media has been at the forefront for so long for Americans to get their news. This election cycle was very different. More Very Right leaning organizations had a had in what news was put out this time. News outlets like Breitbart, Twitter and other Social Media played even heavier this time around than in the past. Many Americans are fed up with the MSM and searched elsewhere to get their news. For many, this was the first time they turned off the TV and turned on other news. This was huge. People are/were so fed up with the lies they were being told.
Social agendas played a big part of this election and I don't think even the two candidates realize this even following the election. Americans are very fed up being told how to think. It is not a crime to be a racist, dislike gays or think a man is man if he has a dick. Doesn't make a difference if you are right or wrong, the government does not have the right to tell us what we should think. They have no right to dictate individual morality. People are seriously fed up with it in the news.
The American people got tired of hearing that Hillary was the best candidate. They were tired of hearing the lies about her. The people are tired of the political elite robbing us blind and getting away with it. They are tired of crooked Politicians getting away with serious crimes.
Citizens are getting tired and angry of being called names because they support one candidate over another. We are getting tired of others telling us that we are racists, that we hate Muslims and women. Many are tired of being lumped into a group because we want illegal immigration to end. We are tired of being told what to think; I have my opinions and I do not care what others think of them. Leave me and my ideas alone. I don't like the Chosen Gay lifestyle. I think these Trans People are sick, I do not want these freaks to share a bathroom or shower with my son. I do not want to share a Foxhole with one either. If I decide to dislike an entire group of people, guess what? It is my right. The government or others do not have the right to force different thoughts upon me.
Donald Trump won because Americans came out and voted for him. He won because the Electoral College is a screwed up system. He won because America is tired of The Clintons. He won because America is tired and scared. He won because we need a change.
I do not know what kind of President he will be. Hell, he may suck and we could end up worse in four years than we are now. I took the chance, I gambled' hopefully our gamble pays off in the long run!
Trump won because the media gave trump a "pass"
John Podesta: Hillary Clinton lost because media gave Donald Trump ‘a pass’
First let me say, this is NOT the time for any type of compromise. We won. We have been compromising for a very long time. The Never Trumpers either need to get on board the Trumptrain heading into Trumpnation or perish. Again, no compromise. This is the time to take back what America has lost in the past decade. Don't like it? Tough shit.