Carlos Hathcock
.450/400 Nitro Ex
I've not been hunting as long as many others on this site so in some respects I'm new to some of the rules and "nuances" of how the hunting rules apply in FUAC land. I was hoping to start something like this to help answer my questions, and maybe some of those others are afraid to ask. The only thing I would ask is that if you DO answer my questions, or anyone elses, you please provide the source of that information. I know I've spoken to other "hunters" with experience, but I don't want there to be any grey areas where people take advice, make a choice, and then are on the hook for a violation because of incorrect information.
If you decide to respond with an answer, but can't provide the source, please state it in some way. I would say that if anyone is willing to act on advice or answer provided here, they do so at their own risk without verifying the actual rules. You may also want to state the "ZONE" in which your questions are applicable since there's many differences in rules based on where you're hunting.
I'll start off the show.
I've often been confused about the information provided on the NYDEC website, as well as the information (or requests for information) printed on NY hunting harvest tags. Here's my current glaring questions:
1. I possess tags for "Archery" (Bow / Muzz) . I know early bow runs Oct 1 - Nov 15. Crossbow runs Nov 2 - Nov 15.
A. The chart shows I can use a crossbow during "REGULAR (GUN)" season, if I so choose. It doesn't say anything about a "BOW". Would I technically be able to harvest and report a bow kill (for a buck or doe) on my BOW / MUZZ tags on a date during "REGULAR" season, or would I have to use the "REG SEASON" tags? Would the same be true for a crossbow?
B. One of my tags is titled "BOW / MUZZ ANTERLESS TAG - RES". There's a spot on the front of the tag to denote SEX M / F. If this is an "ANTLERLESS" deer, are they providing that option if it happens to be a button buck or male without antlers? This is also confusing since both of the REG SEASON DEER tags shows an antlered or antlerless deer, but has a spot for M/F to fill out?
2. I was told, without a degree of confidence, that during bow season I could not carry both a BOW and a PISTOL at the same time. The reason I asked is that COYOTE season and early BOW season overlap. I have both on my property and suppose I'd rather take a coyote with a pistol than a bow, since I cannot use rifle in Erie county. The huntseason chart doesn't actually state what a coyote can be taken with. When I posed this to a DEC officer his response was vague and inconclusive. I certainly wouldn't take a deer with a pistol during bow season.
Hope I'm not confusing anyone. I'm confused myself.
If you decide to respond with an answer, but can't provide the source, please state it in some way. I would say that if anyone is willing to act on advice or answer provided here, they do so at their own risk without verifying the actual rules. You may also want to state the "ZONE" in which your questions are applicable since there's many differences in rules based on where you're hunting.
I'll start off the show.
I've often been confused about the information provided on the NYDEC website, as well as the information (or requests for information) printed on NY hunting harvest tags. Here's my current glaring questions:
1. I possess tags for "Archery" (Bow / Muzz) . I know early bow runs Oct 1 - Nov 15. Crossbow runs Nov 2 - Nov 15.
A. The chart shows I can use a crossbow during "REGULAR (GUN)" season, if I so choose. It doesn't say anything about a "BOW". Would I technically be able to harvest and report a bow kill (for a buck or doe) on my BOW / MUZZ tags on a date during "REGULAR" season, or would I have to use the "REG SEASON" tags? Would the same be true for a crossbow?
B. One of my tags is titled "BOW / MUZZ ANTERLESS TAG - RES". There's a spot on the front of the tag to denote SEX M / F. If this is an "ANTLERLESS" deer, are they providing that option if it happens to be a button buck or male without antlers? This is also confusing since both of the REG SEASON DEER tags shows an antlered or antlerless deer, but has a spot for M/F to fill out?
2. I was told, without a degree of confidence, that during bow season I could not carry both a BOW and a PISTOL at the same time. The reason I asked is that COYOTE season and early BOW season overlap. I have both on my property and suppose I'd rather take a coyote with a pistol than a bow, since I cannot use rifle in Erie county. The huntseason chart doesn't actually state what a coyote can be taken with. When I posed this to a DEC officer his response was vague and inconclusive. I certainly wouldn't take a deer with a pistol during bow season.
Hope I'm not confusing anyone. I'm confused myself.