I’ve got a NY Legal Taurus CT9 for sale. The thumbhole is filled in, and the gun is used. I’m willing to let it go for $700 shipping included. If you can meet up (I’m on Long Island) then I can knock the price down a bit and I can cover the transfer fee. I do not have any pictures of it. I am away right now, but I should have pictures in about a week. Just message me if you’re interested. Thank you
Edit: I will take trade for 5.56 ammo with cash added. If I trade for a firearm, I’d only look for something semi-auto in 7.62x39 or a bolt gun in anything bigger than .308. No matter what trade I’d do, gun or ammo, I’d need cash added
Edit: I will take trade for 5.56 ammo with cash added. If I trade for a firearm, I’d only look for something semi-auto in 7.62x39 or a bolt gun in anything bigger than .308. No matter what trade I’d do, gun or ammo, I’d need cash added