.950 JDJ
I’m not trying to be rude here but you should learn your own state laws because you’re wrong on almost all your advice in this post. You can certainly have a detachable magazine in NYS as long as the semi automatic rifle isn’t classified as an assault rifle. It appears to us the owner of this rifle tried to do that hence the weird pistol grip and no flash suppressor.I believe once the magazine is removable on a AK47 in the state of New York it becomes illegal another factor is the size of the magazine if it's a 30 round or more it also becomes illegal and finally if your not coming or going from your home to the shooting range it becomes illegal just hope that the rounds weren't in the magazine that would also be a problem and it's illegal. People learn your state laws and alway have your safety trigger lock on your weapon and carry all paper works that would pertains to that weapon
Also you are not restricted on where you can bring a rifle in NYS. I can drive all over town with my rifle in n my car or truck and never go to the range, no law against that at all.
Yes you’re correct you can’t have a long gun loaded in your vehicle in NYS but that’s not an arrestable offense as far as I know.