John Stark
.44 mag
You guys have no idea how little power cops have as to written policy. The courts also limit our powers. Stop acting like a word from a union head means something to Albany.
They pass a law and what are cops supposed to do. Protest outside of labor law protections and lose your job and complish nothing? Don't think it happens? More often then you think.
You understand that you've admitted to being nothing more than a willing tool, right?
"I'm just a cog in an evil and depraved machine that I have no power over! Blame the system!"
That is nothing more than "just doing my job" bullshit.
Any man who signs off on the promulgation and enforcement of moral evil is either a moral coward, or worse, someone who agrees with it. Either way, there has to be a willingness to go along with it.
Last I checked, no one in the NYPD was ever forced or enslaved to become a cop, or remain one.
As far as your comment about union bosses having no pull with the political scum in Albany, give me a freaking break. Lynch ran out to the media with his press release about UnSafe as part of the kabuki theater that was the run up to the "message of necessity." He either wrote those statements, representing cops in NY City, because he was told to get in line and do what he was told, or because he was part of the cahoots that got UnSafe passed in the first place. UnSafe was not some spontaneous political moment in NY State history: it was planned and worked behind the scene by politicians and the mover and shakers, both at the Federal and State level. It was part of the attempt to undermine the Heller and McDonald decisions, given the far reaching scope of those decisions vis-a-vis gun controlled states. UnSafe was a planned usurpation of the Rights of Americans by the Obama administration, and was drawn right from the blue print that the Obamanation had waiting in the wings to try and pressure the House and Senate to get behind. The only reason we didn't get UnSafe at the Fed level is because the (R) House and (R) Senate held the line, and most of them did so only because they knew it'd be a blood bathe at the polls if they didn't.
Lynch had no problem throwing fellow Americans under the bus and salivating all over UnSafe at the thought of new police powers, and the cops in his union did nothing at all to stand up to him for it. He runs unopposed in every freaking election. Lynch is the head of the PBA because he's a politically-connected scum bag. That's how unions work.
Cop unions and associations have stood behind gun laws time and time again. They have been major players in making sure that many gun laws not only have stayed on the books for a century, but in making sure that their own guys get carve outs and special status both while they are cops, and after they retire. And yet, cops constantly insist that they are not lackeys to our political masters.
Any man who signs off on perverts in bathrooms is either a lick spittle, or in agreement, and either position is morally depraved. That is easily evidenced by the easy willingness to sign off on such in the first place, and to then stick a "lol" after admitting to doing so. As if its just comedy hour and a joking matter! It is not!
But hey, hot lesbians!
Let me know when boys in blue rally together to get their union leaders to do a press release explaining why it is not in the "interests of public safety" to have dude peeing with women and children, and why it is immoral for cops to be "forced" to do at the threat of losing their jobs. You and I both know that will never happen, given the cash and benefit prizes available for those who toe the line.
And for the record, I've lost a job and tens of thousands of dollars of income for refusing to go along when a company tried to make me sign off on unsafe work practices that had the potential of serious harm to customers.
The first time some husband and family man is arrested for knocking the crap out of some pervert for pushing his way into his wife or daughter's bathroom or changing room, you'll be back here singing the same tune that the boys in blue were "just following orders."
Maybe you ought to go back to your pathetic attempts to convince gun owners how Terry vs. Ohio and "stop and frisk" pass constitutional muster, just because the Supreme Court ruled it so.