My father in law passed away a few years ago after suffering a heart attack. The EMT's worked very hard trying to revive him. They were unsuccessful, but I give them a lot of credit for trying. I thanked them all for their effort. I can't imagine what it would have been like if the ambulance rolled up, found no pulse, then handed my mother in law a business card for a funeral home...
Remember a while back some years ago when members of the Right were accusing the left of picking and choosing who lives and who dies? Some of it was during the discussions of Obamacare. Seems they were correct all of those years ago.
I posted the basic algorithm just for shits and giggles,the algorithm (“protocol” which is a guideline only) with the accompanying letter is below. It’s insane how the media can’t or won’t try to at least do a proper job and how they always seem to find the fucktard in the room for interviews is beyond me. And BTW I haven’t received any notice the guidelines below have been rescinded