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NYT Essayist with Soros Ties Pushes ‘Climate Reparations’ for ‘Third World Corruptocrats’
A climate extremist tied to billionaire George Soros was grilled online for pushing thinly veiled climate reparations as the world’s elites converge for another United Nations conference in Egypt on the environment.World Resources Institute (WRI) President Ani Dasgupta exploited the suffering of “millions of people in vulnerable countries” to advocate for climate reparations in a New York Times Nov. 11 essay. To be absolutely clear, emphasized Dasgupta: “It’s not a matter of charity.” Soros funded the WRI’s radical support of climate reparations with $1,053,207 between 2016 and 2019. [Emphasis added]
But throughout his climate propaganda, cheekily headlined “Paying for climate damage isn’t charity,” Dasgupta was careful not to use the phrase “climate reparations” outright.
Instead, Dasgupta used a variety of euphemisms. He said the rich world ought to pledge “small amounts,” “contributions,” “funds,” and a “collective funding stream” to the poor world, dancing around the issue of climate reparations. Eventually, Dasgupta dropped the act. “The United States and European Union must get behind this movement now,” Dasgupta wrote, and give “money” to the third world.
Dasgupta desperately tried to frame climate reparations as an oppressor/oppressed dynamic to force first-world countries like the U.S into funding the rest of the world:

NYT Essayist with Soros Ties Pushes ‘Climate Reparations’ for ‘Third World Corruptocrats’
A climate extremist tied to billionaire George Soros was grilled online for pushing thinly veiled climate reparations as the world’s elites converge for another United Nations conference in Egypt on the environment.