20×102mm Vulcan
Obama’s Surveillance of Trump is just the tip of the iceberg
I believe that Obama was utilizing these powers granted to the NSA as a way to monitor and collect incriminating data on his political opponents.
So to me, the question isn’t, “Why was Obama surveilling Donald Trump?”
The real question is “Who wasn’t Obama surveilling?”
Obama targeted his enemies.
Dinesh D’Souza releases a documentary highly critical of Barack Obama just months before the 2012 election. In turn D’Souza has the proverbial book thrown at him for a violation that ordinarily results in a slap on the wrist.
Dr. Ben Carson criticizes Obama’s signature healthcare law during the National Prayer Breakfast while Obama looks on quietly fuming. And shortly thereafter Dr. Carson is audited by the IRS.
Here’s what I think happened.
Donald Trump has been highly critical of Barack Obama for years. He launched a very public campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate. And since 2011, Mr. Trump has been hinting at running for President.
Of course Obama set his sights on Donald Trump.
And while it may have kicked into hyper-drive after Trump officially declared his candidacy in 2015, I’d bet money that Obama had him under surveillance long before that.
But here’s the thing. Obama really believed that Hillary would win in 2016.
Obama’s Surveillance of Trump is just the tip of the iceberg
I believe that Obama was utilizing these powers granted to the NSA as a way to monitor and collect incriminating data on his political opponents.
So to me, the question isn’t, “Why was Obama surveilling Donald Trump?”
The real question is “Who wasn’t Obama surveilling?”
Obama targeted his enemies.
Dinesh D’Souza releases a documentary highly critical of Barack Obama just months before the 2012 election. In turn D’Souza has the proverbial book thrown at him for a violation that ordinarily results in a slap on the wrist.
Dr. Ben Carson criticizes Obama’s signature healthcare law during the National Prayer Breakfast while Obama looks on quietly fuming. And shortly thereafter Dr. Carson is audited by the IRS.
Here’s what I think happened.
Donald Trump has been highly critical of Barack Obama for years. He launched a very public campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate. And since 2011, Mr. Trump has been hinting at running for President.
Of course Obama set his sights on Donald Trump.
And while it may have kicked into hyper-drive after Trump officially declared his candidacy in 2015, I’d bet money that Obama had him under surveillance long before that.
But here’s the thing. Obama really believed that Hillary would win in 2016.
Obama’s Surveillance of Trump is just the tip of the iceberg