Pavlich: Obama Is Frustrated That Trump Has 'Destroyed' His Legacy
Jun 15, 2018 #1 Greywolf224 6.5 Creedmoor Messages 2,141 Reaction score 1,953 Location FAUC NY Pavlich: Obama Is Frustrated That Trump Has 'Destroyed' His Legacy
Jun 15, 2018 #2 ArmedCorgi .475 A&M Magnum Messages 14,425 Reaction score 22,649 Location Utahardia What a shitty president he was. His f@#king legacy is all he ever cared about. America doesn't want his legacy. Call him a whambulance.
What a shitty president he was. His f@#king legacy is all he ever cared about. America doesn't want his legacy. Call him a whambulance.
Jun 15, 2018 #3 Celt .450/400 Nitro Ex Messages 9,563 Reaction score 19,643 Location Westchester While many of us would wish she would just die along with Hillary and all the other corrupt scumbags, and actually might almost be better for him to live and see how everything he worked for was destroyed.
While many of us would wish she would just die along with Hillary and all the other corrupt scumbags, and actually might almost be better for him to live and see how everything he worked for was destroyed.
Jun 15, 2018 #4 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 37,274 Reaction score 80,103 Location My Underground Lair
Jun 15, 2018 #5 togmaster .450/400 Nitro Ex Messages 13,232 Reaction score 19,893 Location Buoy 42 Who is this Obama person you speak of?
Jun 15, 2018 #6 Robin .475 A&M Magnum Messages 19,843 Reaction score 42,822 Location Livingston County He is Jimmy Carters favorite!!! Why, He took over the #one spot as the worst president in the history of the republic.! Robin
He is Jimmy Carters favorite!!! Why, He took over the #one spot as the worst president in the history of the republic.! Robin
Jun 15, 2018 #7 Phauxtoe .338 Win Mag Messages 7,004 Reaction score 6,551 Location Rockland DOnt let the Helicopter hit you in the Ass on your way OUT!
Jun 15, 2018 #8 Duke .357 mag Messages 671 Reaction score 819 Location Albany county He still has Chicago.....
Jun 15, 2018 #9 Jezman .308 Win Messages 2,977 Reaction score 3,926 Location 12550 Nobody destroyed his Legacy, his botched attempt to be a Man for his country was a disgrace to America.
Nobody destroyed his Legacy, his botched attempt to be a Man for his country was a disgrace to America.
Jun 16, 2018 #10 FrankenCub .338 Win Mag Messages 6,998 Reaction score 8,689 Location Broome Co, NY ArmedCorgi said: What a shitty president he was. His f@#king legacy is all he ever cared about. America doesn't want his legacy. Call him a whambulance. Click to expand...
ArmedCorgi said: What a shitty president he was. His f@#king legacy is all he ever cared about. America doesn't want his legacy. Call him a whambulance. Click to expand...