Ever hear of Iberdrola the Spanish company ?? The PSC let them buy RG&E and NYSEG many moons ago .
And wasn't Niagara Mohawk bought by National Grid (AKA "National Greed") which is a fucking British company.
That's embarassing.
Ever hear of Iberdrola the Spanish company ?? The PSC let them buy RG&E and NYSEG many moons ago .
I’m not saying don’t focus on the southern boarder I’m just saying with Canada whining about our guns flowing over their boarder into Toronto you’d think they’d be happy to work on securing the boarder.Wo
Worrying about the 1% of illegals and drugs that come from Canada and not focusing on the 98% that come from the southern border is fucking dumb. Like worrying about a pinhole on your aft when there's a 6 foot hole in your bow letting the ocean in.
Yep. National Greed is British.And wasn't Niagara Mohawk bought by National Grid (AKA "National Greed") which is a fucking British company.
That's embarassing.
Do we not have better safe guards in place for this shit since then though? I could be wrong, but there is a ton of regs around nuclear and it's still profitable.
Do we not have better safe guards in place for this shit since then though? I could be wrong, but there is a ton of regs around nuclear and it's still profitable.
But do we really want another majority blue state? Could drastically change the political landscape.Good way to have your country annexed.
No more of their scumbag citizens coming here and buying tons of clothes and leaving their trash all over. I live close the border and I remember a while back the Canadians were coming over in their crappy clothes and buy new here. So to avoid the tariffs when they cross back over they would dump all their old clothes in the parking lot and wear their new clothes back home in layers. First they tried donations bins and the lazy trash didn’t use them, next they tried dumpsters and it’s improved but not great. Yes they help the local economy but I can’t stand them. They also buy a lot of property in and around Ellicottville and have made it so expensive to go there it’s not worth it. Again this is good for us but it is worth it, maybe I don’t know. Im sure Hochul will tell me it’s worth it.Shut off Canada from accessing America.
That means no more of their shitty truckers picking up goods here, nor bringing in their crap which we already make here.
No more asshole Quebec drivers driving like shit on our highways ; actually all their drivers have no clue on the roads.
No more any of their shit going on here.
Make them bring everything on through their own.ports to feed and cloth themselves.
Another country that needs us, we don't need them at all.
This still occurs and contrary to popular belief many Canadians do pay for health care because the base care provided is not good. Many do still come to the USA because they will die waiting for cancer care in Canada. Their national plan doesn’t cover everything.While some Americans will travel outside the US for cheaper medical care (such as going to Mexico for elective dental care, or even to South America for cosmetic surgery), I am reminded that Canada, - for all they talk about their vaunted socialized medical care system, that the wait times for needed surgeries (NOT elective) is so long (I hear times of 1 year or longer), that Canadians will often come across the border into the US and pay for those needed surgeries out of pocket. It's either that, - or die waiting for some needed surgery in Canada.
I saw that when I lived in Buffalo through the years. The American doctors don't care as they are getting paid in full instead of what our insurance pays them. They are only too happy to do that!
So much for Canadian socialized medicine, Eh?
I dislike Canada and most Canadians. Their country is expensive, elitist, and beautiful. I go to Canada for two things and not often. I go to the aquarium up there and go to the butterfly conservatory. Every 5-6 years I go to a museum in Toronto. I get treated like a first class criminal when I go because I have a pistol permit. Last time I went the middle eastern CBP agents at the border tried to talk me into me having my pistol on me and that they would store it for me until I got back. I kept saying they are at home in my safe and I don’t carry them with me. He kept saying well some times people forget and that’s ok do you have one in your car or on you. No, no I don’t. Honestly pissed me off. I told him I don’t even bring a pocket knife with me and I feel naked with out a gun or a knife and he finally let me leave.As much as I'm impartial to Canada, they are starting to irritate me with their actions lately. I can only imagine the citizens that don't like Trudeau and need to deal with his shenanigans. Really puts Canada on the negative side.
Shame, because Canada is such a beautiful country. Kind of like Upstate NY and Horechul. Love the Adirondacks, the scenery, and the Spring/Summer/Fall weather, but man, the politics are stifling.
Still released less radioactivity into the environment over it's lifetime than a coal plant.