The opinion writer, Jeffrey Miron was obviously dropped on his head as a 'yute. By his very own analogy if murder was made legal we'd have no need for any arrests, investigations, incarcerations, trials, jury selections, or lawsuits for anyone who (formerly) murdered someone.
This dim bulb apparently teaches at Harvard! WTF is wrong with these mistitled 'scholars'?
His argument is complete liberal feel good clap trap and totally full of BS. Case in point he talks about how well the EU is doing with virtually zero immigration rules and how they're not being overrun. Are you friggin' kidding me? The whole damn continent is being invaded by the Muslim hordes and he thinks everything is hunky dorey? Either he's wearing impenetrable rose colored glasses or a complete and utter moron of the most epic proportions. Maybe both.
I'll still entertain his idea. We can abolish, walls, quotas and all immigration rules in return for no background checks, permits, waiting periods, caliber/feature/action restrictions on guns. Oh and since we're not keeping track of them anymore (like immigrants) we can file off all the serial numbers on all the guns we have and any future guns. No limits on magazine capacity or ammo purchases either in person or online. Oh and you can cross all state and municipal boundaries while concealed or openly carrying any and all firearms. Pass all that and maybe you can have yourself a deal. Maybe.