6.5 Creedmoor
Hey folks just wondering. Ordered a shirt off of the store approx two weeks ago. Haven’t received it or any notifications of it being shipped out. Any idea how that goes?
Did you provide a copy of your FFL's license so that they can transfer it to them?Hey folks just wondering. Ordered a shirt off of the store approx two weeks ago. Haven’t received it or any notifications of it being shipped out. Any idea how that goes?
Did you provide a copy of your FFL's license so that they can transfer it to them?
Shoot me a PM with your name, I see that all orders were shipped out. I'll send you tracking via PM.
FYI all NYGF merchandise is dropped shipped from a merch company, we do not touch any of the products.
Thanks. Got it in the mail today. I actually had forgotten that I ordered it a few weeks ago. My son reminded me. I guess I got to place another order. My son took this one. Go figure.
I smile only on very rare occasions and only when I need to.Smile once in awhile. You look as grumpy as I am.
Untuck it, it's not a dress shirt Good to see you rocking the garb though!
Generation -X always tuck in their shirts.
Yeah, but something about a tucked in t-shirt always makes my eye twitch, lol.
Suspenders...under the shirt!No belt?
Wearing mine today but it's got the small logo on upper left (not tucked in). Checking out at Tractor Supply this afternoon saw the girl at register couldn't make eye-contact and kept staring at the logo (shoe's on the other foot ha, ha). Paid and was on my way out and said "thank you, have a nice day" as I usually do whenever checking out and the girl responded "you do too hun". Gotta get me more of these shirts!!! LMFAO.