Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
Parkland shooting commission recommends teachers be armed to stop violence
File this under “Inconvenient Truths.”
File this under “Inconvenient Truths.”
undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings
did Nikolas Cruz have to do that ???
Go ahead, push that agenda. I'm sure you'll find lots of support from the school districts.
Cops go through training. Military goes through training. Why would you think training to organize a group effort to stop a terrorist attack should be thought of as an infringement? This would be the exact definition of a militia. Coordinated efforts would make their defense more effective.
what ?? assholes that shoot up places get training to do that .. but teachers that want to carry and know guns have to got thru more BS to do it .. WTF
BTW i was in the NAVY .. some how we missed shooting the pistol in boot camp at that time .. but i did punch my CO in his face at the pool on swimming survival .. get away .. i got this .. while sucking in water ..
I agree. A CCW alone isn't enough. You have to train for different scenarios and also coordinate with the responding police so that they don't shoot you.Arming and training willing teachers to carry has nothing to do with the asshole that goes to shoot up the place. Tactical training for different scenarios is a prudent course of action. They won't be fighting a war in the desert or jungle. Buildings are a different tactical approach. Why would you think training at any level would be a bad thing? A coordinated effort must be just that, coordinated. Otherwise it could be very easy to have a more chaotic melee if nobody knows what others are doing. Keep in mind, it won't be just the teachers looking to defend and protect. The police will be entering the building. They need to know who the good guys are too.