The petition has been re-opened. I have been promoting this petition on FB and I am thankful to all of the people who have signed. However, some of the NY FB hunter groups have memberships in the 10's of thousands, but only a couple of hundred signed. So I am asking for support from the members of this forum. It seems that gun owners today are losing interest in protecting their rights and their sport? This petition is to support and promote target shooting on public land for all gun owners. It doesn't matter where you live or if you will ever even use this target range. What we are trying to do is protect the rights of gun owners to continue using public wilderness land that has always been available to us. If the NY DEC turns this area into a bicycle park it will not only affect the target range, it will put hunting in the entire wilderness area into question for obvious safety reasons. Who wants to be deer hunting and have a bunch of mountain bikers go zipping by you ever 5 minutes? I have nothing against mountain biking. I just think it should not be mixed into the same area that traditionally has been used for hunting. There are many state parks in NY that do not allow any form of hunting at all. Those are the places that the DEC should be looking at to create bike trails. That's my two cents. Thanks for listening. Sign the Petition