20×102mm Vulcan
Michigan Dems introduce ‘assault weapon’ ban in state HouseNY UN-SAFE ACT SUCKS \
What a Confusing,Piece of shit legislation it is Poorly written by Stupid people.
I can't wait to leave NY and its corrupt politicians
You can run but the number of free states are dwindling fast .What we are going through now in NY folks across the country will see shortly.
From the above link ...How many hunters can use an AR-15 for yotes under this language ?
“Assault weapons” already in circulation could be retained by their owners but would need to be registered with the state police. The bill would also empower the agency to conduct annual inspections of the gun to ensure safe storage. Once registered, the owner would have to update their registration every year and could only possess it in working order at shooting ranges or their own property, with the transport to and from being unloaded and in a secured container.