Expand the completly failed BGC system!?Same shit, different size and smell.
On one side we have the antigun goons saying ban "Salted" weapons. Ban the 2A. Ban everything!
On the other we have folks saying we are ok. Well we are not and there is something we can do.
Nobody is listening. They all are barking.
The NRA are also a bunch of idiots because there are a few things that can be done and should be done.
A) Stop pretending gun free zones. If you are going to designate a gun free zone then secure the perimeter
otherwise is just a dream where these lunatics go shoot people that seems to be the latest fashion.
B) Extend the background checks that is working great in many places but not in all places. The stupid form
is useless based on the "honor" system. There is no need for anyone to fill out any forms, show your ID and
then run it and make sure all organizations have the records up to date and do not screw up like they did
in Florida before. You are a nut case or a criminal, sorry you cannot have firearms.
C) Reinstate mental institutions and start bringing the people back in. Some people should not be in the streets
and should not also be part of the penal system where many end up because of the broken system we have.
If strict gun control worked then mexico and venezuela would be very safe places but they are not.
The fvcking gun free zones are a joke and they are criminial. Victims should sue the state for not securing
those "gun free zones" like we secure airports and court houses. Imaging an airport w/o security and just
a sign "no bombs or knifes or guns here please".... what a joke.
The NRA are a useless POS. They should take the initiative when this happens. Show them there is something
we can do but they also need to do something and stop the bull shit.
Disagree. Remove it.