He forgot the criminals. They'll still be armed too. Just look at Mexico. Everyone has guns except the decent people.
Prohibition doesn't work. Period.
It didn't work for alcohol, it made things worse.
It's not working for drugs, things are far worse than they were before they started that fiasco.
And it won't work for guns. It doesn't work anywhere it's been tried.
People will point to some country with strong gun laws as proof, but those countries *never* had problems. Pointing to those gun laws as proof is like pointing out that the guy drinking your snake oil potion every day for the last 20 years is old, and then claiming that means whatever it was you squeezed out of a lizard kept him alive. It's not proof of anything.
Holy crap. An *SPLC* poll finds that nearly half of young male Democrats approve of “assassinating a politician who is harming our country or democracy."
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The White House has unveiled a new plan to deal with rising gas costs by installing a wacky inflatable tube man in front of every price sign across the country.