wouldn't this be a massive breach of contract between BofA and its customers? The banking institutions blast from the roof tops they protect your personal information ~~~~ except with the FBI and .gov agencies
Hilarity: Hunter Biden files an ethics complaint against MTG
We frequently see Hunter Biden’s name associated with the word “ethics” in various news articles, but it’s generally accompanied by the phrase “lack of.” Yet that didn’t stop the First Son’s attorneys from filing an ethics complaint against Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene this week. They petitioned the Office of Congressional Ethics on Friday to “decisively condemn and discipline” Greene after her recent presentation where she displayed sexually explicit (censored) photos from Hunter’s Laptop From Hell, showing Hunter naked and snorting drugs with alleged prostitutes. The attorneys don’t appear to be claiming that the photos aren’t real or that their client didn’t engage in such activity but instead were too obscene to be put on display in the People’s House. If the Office of Congressional Ethics finds the allegations to be valid they have the ability to transfer the complaint to the House Ethics Committee for action. (NY Post)
The J6 pipe bomber’s mobile device accessed keycard required DOJ/FBI garage and building over one hundred times. Out of thousands of mobile devices tracked on J5/6, it certainly appears AT&T deliberately corrupted the meta data for only this device, because they then deleted the log covering their footprints.
Social media users are recirculating a photo of a years-old edition of an Irish publication to claim that nearly a decade before the COVID-19 pandemic, billionaire philanthropist Gates warned in an op-ed of an upcoming mass vaccination campaign to support depopulation efforts.