Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window – CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination
everyone in/around U.S. politics knows the Washington Post, owned by Big Tech Amazon, is effectively the PR firm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No one inside the DC beltway does not understand this basic truth.
Therefore, when the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed in the CIA newsletter, effectively calling for President Trump to receive the Julius Caesar treatment, the non-subtle message is for the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance and kill President Trump.
As alarming as this acceptance might sound, there are no intellectually honest people who would deny it.
Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window - CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination - The Last Refuge
I have stayed away from this subject for eight years; however, everyone in/around U.S. politics knows the Washington Post, owned by Big Tech Amazon, is effectively the PR firm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No one inside the DC beltway does not understand this basic truth.
Philly being Philly
C'mon.. PA or OH, now's your chance to grab some prime real-estate on the shores of a major waterway. We gun owners will distract THE EYEBROWS long enough for you to emancipate a huge population of victims from the evils being perpetrated on them.
Ask why the federal department of education needs them.