My response, as always, is you first. The French looking John "Lurch" Kerry and his family can get started on the cricket diet anytime and shortly thereafter switch over to the starvation diet to "save the planet" from "climate change". Oh and they can stop flying altogether, sell the private jet and the yacht as well , sell all their vehicles and use bicycles, tear down the mansion and vacation homes, move to a teepee with an electric heat pump to reduce their carbon footprint, become vegetarians and grow and put up all of their own food. A change of clothes to sack cloth and ashes would also be appropriate as textiles contribute greatly to "climate change" and the Kerry family elite globalists have much to atone for.
And more of the citizens money to fund it!
Took me two years of College to learn what I should have in High School...really closer to four, 'course to most I'm still a dumbass.