They've known or at least reasonably suspected from before he was elected that Biden was mentally incompetent, but went along with the charade because they were terrified (allegedly) of Trump usurping their Power (both Parties) and sure as fuck didn't want the Hyena in charge for even one day. I strongly suspect Obama was/is really in control; given his record of recorded contacts and WH visitation, right down to his statements about a "Third Term" using a sock-puppet (and someone with limited intelligence and diminishing cognitive skills would easily be manipulated) and let's not forget that some very nefarious people pulled the strings to get Obama Elected, oh and for the conspiracy folks who speak of the Cabal and the fact that they have to disclose their intentions whether you believe them or not, Obama DID say that's what he was going to do, we're just too fucking sheepish at admit such as thing could be, let alone happen. As for Just_us, we'll you already know that'll amount to exactly Jack-Schitt.