Was always told that Crack Kills!
OMG this is absolutely awesome. They need to not only continue this narrative, but they need to double down. Maybe triple down.
Vance in 2028 baby!!!!! Lock it down!
They're just angry that they're still paying taxes on tips.Yes, nothing says "sympathy" like waving another country's flag in the United States and whining how bad you have it. Spare me you spoiled petulant children. Keep it up.
Most of California has been lost to Latinos that migrated and settled in LA, the Hollywood crowd has moved to greener pastures, the parts that are burned out will likely be resettled by the new conquers....farther up the Coastline, it's the Chinese...yes, America has been invaded and parts taken, sadly for the shit-hole those places have become, the can have it...oh, and for the folks in the rust belt and new england, well the muzzies will immigrate in large enough numbers to gain their own congressional seats, oh wait, they have.
Remember the Rules: They have to tell us what they're doing, how coded is irrelevant, just that they told us.
Set into motion January of 2020, failed 2024, executions begin in 2025