Well they are on there knees. The preferred position of beta humans.Christ Almighty, what a disgusting display of self-loathing. They belong in a mental asylum.
and for ISISWell they are on there knees. The preferred position of beta humans.
Isn't that the God awful fucking truth.
Isn't that the God awful fucking truth.
If Trump fucks this up, letting that fucker Ryan push his shitty plan through, Trump can forget a 2nd term. From what I can figure, and I could be very wrong, older Americans will be getting screwed.
That shit is not going to float.
The real problem is the ludicrous costs of virtually all parts of the medical system. Some people are really cashing in on the "sick care industry".
I think it's an unsolvable problem given an aging population, intractable insurance companies, and an entitlement mentality. Not to mention the lunacy of most of our representatives.
Either side could present the best ever health plan and the other side would block it.
They can't even agree to protect the border or keep people from combative countries out.
I don't know what Trump is doing with this halfassed lame plan but I suspect there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. At least I hope so. I know he's not perfect and is merely bailing water from a sinking ship, but imagine if Clinton won.
IMHO, Ryan is a lying, smiling, despicable, self serving motherfucker who sold us out when he took over after that sellout Boehner.
Breitbart did a good piece on him some time back that exposed how his actions (on immigration in particular) ran exactly counter to his public statements. He sells out the conservatives in the House regularly.
A recent case in point: when he took over as Speaker, he vowed that there would be "regular order" and that bills would NOT be written in private without member input, and then "sprung" on the House members for a vote. And in his BS attempt to "repeal and replace Obamacare", he did the EXACT OPPOSITE of his promise! FUCK HIM!
He needs to go back to Jamesville, WI, and hide behind the wall he built around HIS estate.