I'll take heat for this - But I'm sayin' my mind.
John McCain is a SWAMP CREATURE of the lowest order.
From the very time of his birth, as the coddled BRAT of an Admiral, he has committed himself to a long Career of Supreme Selfishness, a model of Political Correctness, and has little to no regard for us common Americans.
He's the candidate that insisted uttering Barack HUSSEIN Obama's freaking Middle Name was improper.
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com
He's the Sub-Average Pilot responsible for FIVE Crashes and the unnecessary deaths of at least 134 of his fellow Crew Members.
Fact Checker - McCain fudges his Navy record
He's the Senator responsible for the massive MIA Coverup.
McCain and the POW Cover-Up
He's nothing but a FRAUD - and if he was not the favorite son of a respected Admiral, would have been drummed out of the Service long ago.
I won't miss him - I welcome his death.
PS: I was in the US Military - Honorable Discharge
John McCain is a SWAMP CREATURE of the lowest order.
From the very time of his birth, as the coddled BRAT of an Admiral, he has committed himself to a long Career of Supreme Selfishness, a model of Political Correctness, and has little to no regard for us common Americans.
He's the candidate that insisted uttering Barack HUSSEIN Obama's freaking Middle Name was improper.
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com
He's the Sub-Average Pilot responsible for FIVE Crashes and the unnecessary deaths of at least 134 of his fellow Crew Members.
Fact Checker - McCain fudges his Navy record
He's the Senator responsible for the massive MIA Coverup.
McCain and the POW Cover-Up
He's nothing but a FRAUD - and if he was not the favorite son of a respected Admiral, would have been drummed out of the Service long ago.
I won't miss him - I welcome his death.
PS: I was in the US Military - Honorable Discharge