I have carried both. I also have a nickel 36 that I've owned since 1984. I have carried some top of the line semi-autos, and revolvers on and off. I now carry a S&W 442. I don't worry so much about hi capacities, as most (god forbid) encounters hopefully wont require two or three mags. So 5 or 6 will do just fine. One thing I can say positively is my revolver will always go bang.
Again, my personal opinion. Do what's best for you.
My first carry gun was a Ruger SP101, .357 with a 2.25" barrel and CTC laser. It's identical in size to a Smith Model 60. It's a hand cannon! Still love it, and practice with it, and carry it sometimes.
But my current EDC is an M&P Shield 9mm with a 10 round ProMag and two spare mags. Very concealable all the time, and I shoot it accurately. Just got a shoulder rig for it when driving a lot.