.475 A&M Magnum
ok, I have about had it with the Bat-Shit Crazy Socialist on the left. Every single BSCS (my new acronym for the left) is stumping for an "end to gun violence".
lets inject some common sense here. You BSCS need to get your shit together. Every-time some scumbag nut job (who are democRATS) start shooting up the place you have a terrible habit of (1) never letting a crisis go to waste (as evidenced by the BSCS fund raising during a time of grieving) and (2) getting your facts completely messed up and blaming an inanimate object for the evil in some scum-bags heart. AND THEN some how, what the scum-bag did is societies fault.
If the BSCS where truly all upset over some nut job killing a bunch of people, why have NOT ONE BSCS said anything about the mass shootings in Baltimore and Chicago?
anyone? ~~~ crickets, nothing....ya know why, because deep down the BSCS don't really care about blacks except for their vote.
lets take a quick view of Chicago crime stats (these stats are all easily variable, about 90% are black on black crime))
In this month alone, SO FAR! there have been 8 murdered, 56 wounded, in Chicago
In THIS WEEK ALONE: 4 people have been shot and killed, 31 shot and wounded
And YEAR TO DATE: ( this is staggering) 278 shot and killed, TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT shot and killed, 1365 shot and wounded with a TOTAL OF 305 MURDERS.
Not one of you of you Sons-of-Bitches have said a word about the violence in GUN FREE CHICAGO.
Now just why the hell is that?
Stop blaming the gun for the evil in other peoples heart.
Stop blaming law abiding citizen for the actions of others. You BSCS don't blame the car when a drunk driver kills a family. you blame the drunk. you don't blame the bomb when someone blows up a marathon, you blame the bomber.
and for heaven sake, STOP CALLING ME AND OTHER AMERICAN CITIZEN WHITE SUPREMACIST, we weren't white supremacist when Clinton was POTUS, we weren't supremacist when NObama was POTUS, we aren't supremacist now, so STFU already.
ENOUGH with your bullshit.
TRUMP 2020
that should get me banned, LOL fuck'em
lets inject some common sense here. You BSCS need to get your shit together. Every-time some scumbag nut job (who are democRATS) start shooting up the place you have a terrible habit of (1) never letting a crisis go to waste (as evidenced by the BSCS fund raising during a time of grieving) and (2) getting your facts completely messed up and blaming an inanimate object for the evil in some scum-bags heart. AND THEN some how, what the scum-bag did is societies fault.
If the BSCS where truly all upset over some nut job killing a bunch of people, why have NOT ONE BSCS said anything about the mass shootings in Baltimore and Chicago?
anyone? ~~~ crickets, nothing....ya know why, because deep down the BSCS don't really care about blacks except for their vote.
lets take a quick view of Chicago crime stats (these stats are all easily variable, about 90% are black on black crime))
In this month alone, SO FAR! there have been 8 murdered, 56 wounded, in Chicago
In THIS WEEK ALONE: 4 people have been shot and killed, 31 shot and wounded
And YEAR TO DATE: ( this is staggering) 278 shot and killed, TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT shot and killed, 1365 shot and wounded with a TOTAL OF 305 MURDERS.
Not one of you of you Sons-of-Bitches have said a word about the violence in GUN FREE CHICAGO.
Now just why the hell is that?
Stop blaming the gun for the evil in other peoples heart.
Stop blaming law abiding citizen for the actions of others. You BSCS don't blame the car when a drunk driver kills a family. you blame the drunk. you don't blame the bomb when someone blows up a marathon, you blame the bomber.
and for heaven sake, STOP CALLING ME AND OTHER AMERICAN CITIZEN WHITE SUPREMACIST, we weren't white supremacist when Clinton was POTUS, we weren't supremacist when NObama was POTUS, we aren't supremacist now, so STFU already.
ENOUGH with your bullshit.
TRUMP 2020
that should get me banned, LOL fuck'em