Where is the drone footage?? Can't tell me no drones!
Maybe, maybe not. It would all depend on the rounds used and any exit wounds. I’ve been on many a GSW call and they’re not all messy. Also heavy bleeding generally stops when the heart does.
Can't be any worse than that cow what could not holster her weapon.
Dude turns the camera for a selfie at the exact moment of the shooting
And not one of them could find there holster
And where the f**k are his glasses?John Nolte lays it out clearly in his latest Breitbart column. It feels like this country is on the verge.
Nolte: Secret Service Is Clear and Present Threat to Democracy
Now that we know what we know, it is obvious that the U.S. Secret Service is a clear and present danger to our democracy.www.breitbart.com
And one more thought: If Crooks, - supposedly the ONLY shooter got off 8 shots in President Trump's direction, - where the fuck are pictures of the spent casings, either up there on the roof, or on the ground below his position???
I'm surprised no drones on site and/ or drone defensive measures available.Where is the drone footage?? Can't tell me no drones!
Not goodVery active thread, figured I would post here as well....
Looks like Biden is dropping out of the race. Speech is prepared, speech will be given by the end of the weekend.
Yes, he will remain as President for the duration, but he will be stepping aside from the Nominee position for the Democrat party
Time will tell.Not good
WWE legend Hulk Hogan to speak at RNC before Trump accepts GOP nomination. Oh YEAH!!!
Lol, why? Biden was the best they felt to throw at Trump? You think there's some hidden candidate that can somehow energize the progressives? Maybe Clinton? Harris? Newsom? Lmao!Not good
Michele "Big Dick" ObamaMaybe Clinton? Harris? Newsom? Lmao!