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.475 A&M Magnum
For all you first time canners . You should watch this. She is a bit boring but the video is very important and informative.
For all you first time canners . You should watch this. She is a bit boring but the video is very important and informative.
Yeah, I’ve been following her videos for a while . She’s a bit boorish but very informative.Funny thing ..
I just found her on YouTube, I've watched a bunch of her videos the past couple of days.
W*lm*rt.com is a few bucks cheaper, and you don't even have to leave the bunker.hit the local tops here after work last night and located the canning stuff .. shelf wasn't bare ..
rounding up ..
pint jars .. 13$ a flat
quart jars hitting 17 a flat
had lids .. 7 $ for 12
had some packs of lids and rings combo pack too .. didn't get the cost of them ..
Shelving. Lots of full canning jars stacked on a shelf gets heavy. Assuming by build you meant design and build with wood, not assemble a pre-made kit.. Weight load should be carried by wood not fasteners (nails/screws). Notch it, do it right.I have been looking and looking and trying to learn.
The time has come for me to take this head on. I have done some water canning, never pressure canning though.
I will be investing all I need into this endeavor. I am not going all out and balls to the wall.
The All American pressure canner is a bit high for what I want to spend right now.
I think I will be going with th Presto 01781 23-Quart Pressure Canner and Cooker.
My mom and a few people I know use this one and they are all happy with it.
Now, gotta build more shelving.
Shelving. Lots of full canning jars stacked on a shelf gets heavy. Assuming by build you meant design and build with wood, not assemble a pre-made kit.. Weight load should be carried by wood not fasteners (nails/screws). Notch it, do it right.
I only have done boiled water canning as well to this point so I have no tips to give on that part.
That's all.
Keep them cool, dry and dark. Many years after a friends grandmother passed away we cleaned out the basement of the house, it was amazing how many jars she had put up and most were still good!I built a rather large, three shelf, storage just for the canned goods. I figure each shelf can hold hundreds of pounds each.
My parents were from that era.just came across this .. not canning related .. but .. can you can this meal ? the poormans meal
canning hotdogs and taters and some sauce n spices ? ..
Depression Era Cooking ..